Linear Algebra with Maple
|\^/| Maple V Release 5 (University of Nevada, Reno)
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<____ ____> Waterloo Maple Inc.
| Type ? for help.
Enter with(linalg)
in order to access the linear algebra functions in Maple.
> with(linalg);
Warning, new definition for norm
Warning, new definition for trace
[BlockDiagonal, GramSchmidt, JordanBlock, LUdecomp, QRdecomp, Wronskian, addcol,
addrow, adj, adjoint, angle, augment, backsub, band, basis, bezout,
blockmatrix, charmat, charpoly, cholesky, col, coldim, colspace, colspan,
companion, concat, cond, copyinto, crossprod, curl, definite, delcols,
delrows, det, diag, diverge, dotprod, eigenvals, eigenvalues, eigenvectors,
eigenvects, entermatrix, equal, exponential, extend, ffgausselim, fibonacci,
forwardsub, frobenius, gausselim, gaussjord, geneqns, genmatrix, grad,
hadamard, hermite, hessian, hilbert, htranspose, ihermite, indexfunc,
innerprod, intbasis, inverse, ismith, issimilar, iszero, jacobian, jordan,
kernel, laplacian, leastsqrs, linsolve, matadd, matrix, minor, minpoly,
mulcol, mulrow, multiply, norm, normalize, nullspace, orthog, permanent,
pivot, potential, randmatrix, randvector, rank, ratform, row, rowdim,
rowspace, rowspan, rref, scalarmul, singularvals, smith, stackmatrix,
submatrix, subvector, sumbasis, swapcol, swaprow, sylvester, toeplitz,
trace, transpose, vandermonde, vecpotent, vectdim, vector, wronskian]
> A:=matrix([[1.0,3.0,2.0],[3.0,4.0,5.0],[2.0,4.0,7.0]]);
[1.0 3.0 2.0]
A := [3.0 4.0 5.0]
[2.0 4.0 7.0]
Enter the matrix using decimals so that Maple will calculate
using decimal numbers rather than complicated roots.
> AI:=inverse(A);
[-.4705882353 .7647058824 -.4117647059 ]
AI := [.6470588235 -.1764705882 -.05882352941]
[-.2352941176 -.1176470588 .2941176471 ]
> multiply(A,AI);
[ -9 -9 ]
[1.000000001 .2 10 .1 10 ]
[ ]
[ 0 1.000000000 0 ]
[ ]
[ -9 ]
[ 0 .6 10 1.000000001]
A matrix times its inverse should be the identity matrix.
Since we are dealing with decimals then the
above is only approximately the identity matrix.
> V:=eigenvects(A);
V := [-.9376332906, 1, {[-.731934904, .5267586674, -.0810272829]}],
[11.33860445, 1, {[-.4195624769, -.8156369199, -.9453898592]}],
[1.599028852, 1, {[-.5046157621, -.4450937319, .5165008996]}]
Note that the result returned is a sequence of lists of the form
[ei, mi, {v[1,i],... v[ni,i]}], where the ei are the
eigenvalues, mi their algebraic multiplicities, {v[1,i], ...,
v[ni,i]} is a set of basis vectors for the eigenspace
corresponding to ei, and 1 <= ni <= mi is the dimension of the
> xi:=V[1][3][1];
xi := [-.731934904, .5267586674, -.0810272829]
> lambda:=V[1][1];
lambda := -.9376332906
> multiply(A,xi);
[.6862865322, -.4939064565, .0759738817]
> evalm(lambda*xi);
[.6862865325, -.4939064627, .07597387789]
The matrix A times the eigenvector xi is the approximately
the same as the eigenvalue lambda times the eigenvector.
> P:=matrix([seq(V[i][3][1],i=1..3)]);
[-.731934904 .5267586674 -.0810272829]
P := [-.4195624769 -.8156369199 -.9453898592]
[-.5046157621 -.4450937319 .5165008996 ]
Here P is a matrix with an eigenvector for each row.
> Q:=transpose(P);
[-.731934904 -.4195624769 -.5046157621]
Q := [.5267586674 -.8156369199 -.4450937319]
[-.0810272829 -.9453898592 .5165008996 ]
> QI:=inverse(Q);
[-.8420643017 .6937630197 -.2248386169]
QI := [-.2360065894 -.4189326797 -.5915903631]
[-.5640811448 -.6579678270 .8180013003 ]
To transform the matrix A into a diagonal matrix with the
eigenvalues on the diagonal multiply A by Q on the right
and the inverse of Q on the left.
> multiply(QI,multiply(A,Q));
[ -7 -8 ]
[-.9376332867 -.12 10 -.20 10 ]
[ ]
[ -8 -8 ]
[ -.476 10 11.33860444 -.47 10 ]
[ ]
[ -9 -8 ]
[ -.78 10 .3 10 1.599028851]
> quit;
bytes used=938988, alloc=786288, time=1.50
Last updated: Wed Apr 18 21:03:57 PDT 2001