Math 311 Final Exam Review
Dangello and Seyfried
- Definitions in chapters 6 and 7
- Proof of Theorems 6.7, 6.8, 6.9 and 6.10
- Statement and proof of
- Theorem 6.11 Fundamental Theorem of Calculus part 1
- Theorem 6.12 Fundamental Theorem of Calculus part 2
- Statements of
- Theorem 7.5 Limit Comparison Test
- Theorem 7.6 Alternating Series Test
- Theorem 7.7 Ratio Test
- Proof of Theorem 7.6 and part 1 of Theorem 7.7
- Proof of Theorem 7.14 Merten's Theorem
- Homework problems 6.3#10, 6.4#7 and 6.5#5
- Homework problems 7.1#7, 7.2#2 and 7.2#8
- In Rn the definitions
- ball of radius r about a
- bounded set
- interior point
- boundary point
- open and closed
- closure
- limit and continuity
- connected
- disconnected
- differentiable
- convex set
- compact set
- class Ck
- multi-index notation
- partition
- upper and lower sum
- Riemann integral
- characteristic function
- zero content
- Jordan measurable
- rectifiable
- smooth curve
- arc length
- regular region
- Proof of
- The Bolzano-Weierstrass theorem in Rn.
- A continuous function on a closed and bounded set
in Rn is uniformly continuous and
attains its maximum.
- The characterstic function of
a bounded measurable set is Riemann integrable.
- Green's Theorem on a rectangle.
- Statement of
- Theorem 2.45 interchange of the order of partial derivatives.
- Theorem 2.68 Taylor's theorem for several variables
using multi-index notation with only the remainder
term (2.72). Do not memorize (2.70) or (2.71).
- The change of variables formula.
- Theorem 3.1 the implicit function theorem.
- Theorem 5.12 Greens Theorem.
- All assigned homework problems.
Last Updated:
Fri May 2 13:25:12 PDT 2008