Math 330 Exam 3 Review Sheet

Please look at the formula sheet which will be included with Exam 3 and also with the Final Exam for your reference.

Sections Covered

Important Things to Know

Which of the four subspaces are the orthogonal complements of which and what it means for a subspace to be the orthogonal complement of another.

How to find the orthogonal projection of b onto the subspace C(A).

How to find x that minimizes ||Ax-b||.

Given a set of vectors how to find a set of orthonormal vectors that span the same subspace.

Properties of orthogonal matrices Q.

How to compute the determinant of a triangular matrix.

How to compute determinant of A by using the LU decomposition of A.

How to compute the determininant of a permutation matrix.

How to compute 2x2 and 3x3 determinants using the combinatorial formula.

How to use Cramer's rule to solve the system Ax=b.

How to find the inverse of A in terms of the cofactor matrix and the determinant of A.

Last Updated: Wed Nov 10 15:23:04 PST 2004