Your work should be presented in complete English sentences using
proper grammar, spelling and punctuation.
Submitted work should consist of clean copy with no
scratch marks.
Do not submit pages that have been torn
from a spiral notebook.
Staple and number the pages in each homework assignment.
It is recommended that you write your final copy in pencil
thorougly removing any errors with a
good eraser or type it using a computer. If you choose to write
your final copy in ink, take care to avoid mistakes. Don't submit
homework that is difficult to read or contains errors that have
been poorly erased or scratched out.
Do not submit your rough copy: it will not be graded.
Homework #1 (ps, pdf)
8.2 -- 1b
8.4 -- 7
8.5 -- 2b
Last updated:
Tue Jan 22 19:04:23 PST 2008