Final Exam Review

The final exam will consist of questions selected from the following collection of questions and topics.

\def\qn{\global\qprt=0\global\advance\qnum by1\bigskip
\qn The definition of relative and absolute error.

\qn The difference between generated and propagated error.

\qn Definition of forward, backwords and central differencing operators.

\qn Make a difference table and explain the expected round-off error
    for the $n$-th column by means of the table
    Order of difference&1&2&3&4&5&6\cr
    Expected error limits&\pm1&\pm2&\pm3&\pm6&\pm12&\pm22\cr

\qn Taylor's series, the remainder term, and use of the remainder term.

\qn Newton's forward and backwords interpolating polynomials.

\qn Lagrange interpolation formula.

\qn Describe, as an algorithm, interval bisection, the secant
    method, and Newton's method for solving a non-linear equation.

\qn Convergence criterion for Newton's method.

\qn Show the rate of convergence for Newton's method
    is quadratic and in particular that the error $E_n$ satisfies
            -{E_n^2 f''(\xi_n)\over 2 f'(x_n)}
            -{E_n^2 f''(\alpha)\over 2 f'(\alpha)}.

\qn Definition of conditioning number for a matrix and what it means.

\qn Show that if $Ax=b$ and $A\bar x=\bar b$ then
$$ {\|x-\bar x\|_\infty\over \|x\|_\infty}
    \le{\rm cond}(A){\|b-\bar b\|_\infty\over \|b\|_\infty}.$$

\qn Describe, as an algorithm, the Gauss-Seidel iterative
    method for solving a system of linear equations.

\qn Derive the normal equations for the linear least
    squares minimization problem.

\qn Define the pseudo inverse $A^+$ of $A$.

\qn Definition of a Householder matrix.

\qn Explain in terms of numerical roundoff error why and how to choose
    the pivots in Gauss-Jordan elimination.

\qn Definition of diagonally dominant.

\qn Definition of the weak min-max property.

\qn Explain what is meant by the order of a integration method.

\qn Find the truncation error.

\qn Explain the idea behind Romberg integration.

\qn Compare taking a smaller step size
    to using a higher order method to attain increased accuracy
    when for solving an initial value problem.

\qn Find conditions on $h$ so that the central difference method for
    solving a two point boundary problem has a unique solution.

Last updated: Sat Dec 7 07:12:05 PST 2002