Programming Assignments

The programming assignments count for 50 points out of the 250 point course total. Your work should be presented in the form of a typed report using clear and properly punctuated English. Where appropriate include full program listings and output. If you choose to work in a group of two, please turn in independently prepared reports.

You may do your assignments in the Mathematics Center Ansari Business Bldg AB610. If you prefer to use your own personal computer feel free to do so. The GNU/Cygwin C and FORTRAN compilers as well as the FPK Pascal compiler may be freely downloaded from the internet.

    Assignment                     Due Date
    One (double)                   Mar 27
    Two (double)                   April 29
    Three (also counts as HW #5)   May 8



Last updated: Mon Jan 22 16:19:55 PST 2001