Syllabus for Numerical Methods II

Spring 2003

Course Information

Eric Olson
ejolson at
TR 2:30pm Ansari Business Building AB614 and by appointment.
  1. Donald Greenspan and Vincenzo Casulli, Numerical Analysis for Applied Mathematics, Science, and Engineering, 1988, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company.

  2. Arieh Iserles, A First Course in the Numerical Analysis of Differential Equations, 1996, Cambridge University Press.
Math (also CS) 484/684 Numerical Methods II
TR 11:00-12:15pm OSN 202


    2 Quizzes                       10 points each
    5 Homework Assignments          10 points each
    5 Programming Assignments       10 points each
    1 Midterm Exam                  50 points
    1 Final Exam                    80 points
                                   250 points total


#   Date    Greenspan  Iserles    Topic
1   Jan 21     6.1                Classification of PDEs
2   Jan 23                7.l     Finite Differences
3   Jan 28  6.2-6.3       7.2     The Poisson Equation
4   Jan 30     6.4        7.2     Non-rectangular Domains
5   Feb 4                 7.3     Higher Order Methods
6   Feb 6   6.5-6.6               General Elliptic PDEs and Upwinding
7   Feb 11               10.1     Linear One Step Methods
8   Feb 13               10.1     Gershgorin and Diagonal Dominance
                        QUIZ I
9   Feb 18               10.2     Classical Iterative Methods
10  Feb 20               10.2     Convergence of Iterative Methods
11  Feb 25               10.3     Optimal w for SOR Convergence
12  Feb 27               11.1     Multigrid Techniques
13  Mar 4             11.2-11.3   The V-cycle and Full Multigrid
14  Mar 6                11.4     Poisson by Multigrid
15  Mar 11              REVIEW
16  Mar 13              MIDTERM EXAM

                               Spring Break

17  Mar 25               12.1     Fast Fourier Transform 
18  Mar 27               
19  Apr 1     7.1        13.1     Parabolic Equations 
20  Apr 3   
21  Apr 8   
22  Apr 10  
23  Apr 15
24  Apr 17  
                         QUIZ II
25  Apr 22    8.1        14.1     Hyperbolic Equations 
26  Apr 24 
27  Apr 29 
28  May 1 
29  May 6                REVIEW

Computing Facilities

The FPK Pascal compiler and the GNU/Cygwin C and FORTRAN compilers are suitable for use in this course. These tools may be freely downloaded from the internet for use on any suitable personal computer. Maple may also be used and is available in the Mathematics Center Ansari Business Bldg AB610.

Programming Assignments

Your work should be presented in the form of a typed report using clear and properly punctuated English. Where appropriate include full program listings and output. If you choose to work in a group of two, please turn in independently prepared reports.

Final Exam

The final exam will be held on May 8 from 7:30am to 9:30am in OSN 202.

Equal Opportunity Statement

The Mathematics Department is committed to equal opportunity in education for all students, including those with documented physical disabilities or documented learning disabilities. University policy states that it is the responsibility of students with documented disabilities to contact instructors during the first week of each semester to discuss appropriate accommodations to ensure equity in grading, classroom experiences and outside assignments.

Academic Conduct

Bring your student identification to all exams. Work independently on all exams and quizzes. Behaviors inappropriate to test taking may disturb other students and will be considered cheating. Don't talk or pass notes with other students during an exam. Don't read notes or books while taking exams given in the classroom. You may work on the programming assignments in groups of two if desired. Homework may be discussed freely. If you are unclear as to what constitutes cheating, please consult with me.

Last updated: Tue Jan 28 07:27:15 PST 2003