Typographic Error

There is a typographic error discovered in class in equation (7.9) of Iserlies. The correct equation should read
 $$ {\cal D}^{2s}
	={1\over h^{2s}}
	\big[(\Delta_0^2)^s-{\textstyle{1\over 12}}
		(\Delta_0^2)^{s+1}+{\textstyle{1\over 90}}
		(\Delta_0^2)^{s+2}\big] + {\cal O}(h^6),
\quad h\to 0.$$
This is supported by the following calculation in Maple:
    |\^/|     Maple V Release 5 (University of Nevada, Reno)
._|\|   |/|_. Copyright (c) 1981-1997 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rights
 \  MAPLE  /  reserved. Maple and Maple V are registered trademarks of
 <____ ____>  Waterloo Maple Inc.
      |       Type ? for help.

> Order:=8;
                                  Order := 8

> g:=xi->log(xi+sqrt(1+xi^2));
                      g := xi -> log(xi + sqrt(1 + xi ))

> R1:=series(2/h*g(d0/2),d0);
                           3              5               7      8
 R1 := 1/h d0 - 1/24 1/h d0 + 3/640 1/h d0 - 5/7168 1/h d0 + O(d0 )

#Following is line (7.8) calculated for D^2

> R2:=series(R1*R1,d0);

                   1     2         1     4         1     6       8
            R2 := ---- d0  - 1/12 ---- d0  + 1/90 ---- d0  + O(d0 )
                    2               2               2
                   h               h               h
> quit
bytes used=296344, alloc=262096, time=0.03

Last updated: Tue Jan 28 07:15:27 PST 2003