Spring Semester 2007 Eric Olson MWF 11:00-11:50pm AB201 ejolson at unr.edu Office hours MW 2pm and F 1pm in AB614
This course begins the functional analytic treatment of partial differential equations and is independent from Math 761. The goal of this course is to provide a thorough introduction to the advanced study of partial differential equations. We shall read a standard graduate level text giving a modern mathematical treatment of partial differential equations.
Applied Math II will cover Sobolev spaces, Sobolev Imbedding Theorem, trace theorems, Gagliardo Nirenberg inequality, Lax Milgram Theorem, the Freedholm index, Mountain Pass Theorem and Banach and Shauder's fixed point theorems.
Course Web Page: http://fractal.math.unr.edu/~ejolson/762/
Prerequisites: The course 761 is not a prerequisite; however, it is recommended that a student already have taken Math 713.