Exam 3 Review Sheet

Exam 3 will consist of 11 questions covering chapters 4 and 5. The first 10 questions will be patterned after the webwork and textbook problems. Question 11 will ask for the statement of the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus given on page 243 in chapter 5.5 of the text.

For review please focus on

Chapter 4.1:  Problems 1, 20

Chapter 4.2:  Problems 4, 14

Chapter 4.3:  Review the procedure for finding the global maximum 
              and minimum of a continuous function defined on a 
              closed interval given on page 177.

              Problems 13, 16

Chapter 4.4:  Problems 9, 17

Chapter 4.7:  Problems 4, 8

Chapter 4.8:  This chapter has been skipped.

Chapter 5.1:  Problems 4, 11

Chapter 5.2:  Review the definition of definite integral and right
              and left sums on page 228.

              Problems 3, 10

Chapter 5.3:  Problems 5, 10

Chapter 5.4:  Problems 2, 13

Chapter 5.5:  Memorize the exact statement of the Fundamental Theorem 
              of Calculus from page 243.

Last updated: Mon Nov 17 14:09:24 EST 2003