HD Video Workflow in Linux

The method described here places a high-definition mpeg2 video stream onto a DVD with a file structure the same as a standard definition DVD. I have another page describing how to Create a 3xDVD, BD5 or BD9 with h264 Video and other page describing a good way to make a Standard Definition DVD from HDV Source.

There won't be very much HD DVD media on the market by 2009 because Toshiba has stopped supporting the format. Since it's easy to make a red laser DVD with HD mpeg2 files on it that a Toshiba HD DVD player can play, there is still some use for an old HD DVD player. Does it make sense to pick one up cheap while people are dumping them?

This document describes a method for creating HD video DVDs that are playable on most Toshiba HD DVD players and many software DVD players. Note that we are not making a standard definition DVD containing downconverted HD material but a non-standard DVD with high definition 1440x1080i mpeg2 content. The method is based on the observation that the Toshiba HD-A2 DVD player and many software DVD players will play mpeg2 HD content that has been placed in VOB files on an otherwise compliant red laser DVD. This was first observed by

The resulting disks are playable with Note that the Xbox HD DVD player has been reported not to work with these disks. This is because we are making a non-standard DVD with HD content that may not be compatible with all hardware. While these disks do not conform to any standard, one need not worry about whether a new Toshiba HD DVD player will play them or not, because there won't be any new players. For archival purposes a non-standard DVD with HD content may be better than a 3xDVD disk. This is because there are open source software players such as vlc that will always be able to read and play the non-standard DVD.

Needed Software

This method relies only on open source software. Moreover, the software needed is exactly the same well-polished software used on Linux for authoring standard definition DVDs.


Use dvgrab version 3.1 by Arne Schirmacher or later for HDV capture. Connect the firewire cable. Make sure your camcorder is set to export HDV format. Type
$ mkdir capture
$ cd capture
$ dvgrab -fhdv -noavc src
and then press play on the camcorder. This will result in the files src001.m2t, src002.m2t and so forth being created in the capture directory. These are the HDV mpeg2 transport stream files dumped direct from the camera. You can test them with vlc to make sure they are fine.

It appears that the m2t files produced by dvgrab have incomplete packets at the very beginning which messes up the sound synchronization in Cinelerra and avidemux2. To fix this demultiplex using ProjectX into separate m2v and mp2 files. Note that ProjectX is careful with the sound synchronization between the extracted video and audio files so they don't need a delay when remultiplexing. Then remultiplex using mplex and the command

$ mplex -f3 x001.m2v x001.mp2 -r 28000 -b 800 -o x001.mpg
$ mpeg3toc -v x001.mpg x001.toc
to create a clean program stream mpeg file. Do not skip this demultiplexing and remultiplexing step. It is needed to fix the sound synchonization problems when editing m2t files captured by dvgrab in Cinelerra. Now refer to the toc files when editing in Cinelerra.


Cinelerra will edit HDV files natively. Select Settings->Format and specify 1440x1080 as the resolution.

Then open the toc files. After you are done with editing, the project needs to be rendered. To do this create a small script called pipe-hd containing the following commands

yuvdenoise -g 0,0,0 -t 8,12,12 -M 0,0,0 |
mpeg2enc --no-constraints -f8 -nn \
	-a3 -Ktmpgenc -lh -b18000 -V488 -r32 -G18 -q9 -s -o $1
make it executable and put it in your path. Then select File->Render and choose the YUV4MPEG Stream. Click on the Video rendering options wrench and select use pipe with pipe-hd % as the name of the script. This will render the video. Now render the audio by selecting File->Render and choosing Microsoft WAV as the file format. Screen grabs are

Encode the audio track and the multiplex the video and audio together using the commands

$ mp2enc < final.wav -o final.m2a
$ mplex -f8 -b488 -r20000 final.m2v final.m2a -o final-hd.mpg
You now have a HD mpeg2 stream that can be turned into a VOB file by dvdauthor and written to a DVD.

Note that the regular version of mplex will force the buffer size to 232K with the message

    ignoring non-standard options
which will create buffer overrun messages if you set the buffer size to 488K as suggested above. Since the Toshiba players have a greater buffer size and encoding with a 232K buffer will result in lower quality it is better to patch mplex so that it is possible to set the buffer size for mpeg2 streams that contain DVD NAV packets. The patch against mjpegtools version 2.0.0 allows increasing the buffer size for mpeg2 streams with DVD NAV packets.

Creating a Menu

Create menus using gimp exactly as you would for an ordinary DVD using standard definition 720x480 stills with a 4:3 aspect ratio. Further information may be found on the creating a menu page. Note that you can mix HD and SD content on a single DVD as long as they are in separate titlesets. A main menu can be used to select between HD and SD formats to create a disk that works in every DVD player. Again, the idea is to simply make menus for dvdauthor using gimp the same way as you would do when authoring a regular DVD.

Authoring the DVD

Authoring is done with dvdauthor. The only difference from authoring a standard definition DVD is that some of the input mpeg2 files are 1440x1080i. Note that dvdauthor doesn't check whether the input mpeg2 files are in a valid resolution for a standard definition DVD or not, it simply does what's necessary to turn them into VOB files. Therefore if you hand it an HD mpeg2 file, it will happily change it to a VOB without ever knowing something strange is happening.

Suppose that logo.mpg and final-sd.mpg are standard definition mpeg2 files and final-hd.mpg is the HD mpeg2 file created earlier. Let menu0.mpg and menu1.mpg be standard definition menus with two buttons each. Then the xml file dvd.xml given by

            <video aspect="4:3" />
            <pgc entry="title">
                <vob file="logo.mpg" />
                <post>jump menu 2;</post>
                <vob file="menu0.mpg" />
                <button>jump titleset 1 menu;</button>
                <button>jump titleset 2 menu;</button>
            <video aspect="4:3" />
            <pgc entry="root">
                <vob file="menu1.mpg" />
                <button>jump vmgm menu 2;</button>
                <button>jump title 1 chapter 1;</button>
            <video aspect="16:9" />
                <vob file="final-hd.mpg" />
                <post>call menu;</post>
            <video aspect="4:3" />
            <pgc entry="root">
                <vob file="menu1.mpg" />
                <button>jump vmgm menu 2;</button>
                <button>jump title 1 chapter 1;</button>
            <video aspect="16:9" />
                <vob file="final-sd.mpg" />
                <post>call menu;</post>
would direct dvdauthor to include an HD and SD version of the same video along with a menu to select between them on a single DVD.

Burning the DVD

Burning the DVD with HD content is done in exactly the same way as for a regular DVD. Specifically, the commands are
$ dvdauthor -o disk1 -x dvd.xml
$ growisofs -dvd-compat -dvd-video -Z/dev/dvd disk1
If you stay away from the HD title the disk will work fine in a standard definition DVD player. If you select the HD title on a standard definition DVD player you will either get sound only, a lockup or nothing at all. If you place the disk in a Toshiba HD DVD player you can play both the HD and SD content. VLC will also play the HD content on a reasonably fast computer.
Last Updated: Mon Mar 12 21:59:16 PDT 2012