Olson Video and WebsitesVideography

School Musical

The shoot was done by two camera operators using two Canon XH-A1 camcorders and two unmanned HV30s. The XH-A1s were operated from left and right while the unmanned HV30s were placed center close to the stage and far with a wide field of view. Sound was recorded using a high-fidelity stereo microphone attached to the camcorder close to the stage. All video was recorded in high definition. This allowed for 2.5x electronic zoom and pan in post of the footage recorded by the unmanned cameras while retaining full D1 standard definition resolution. Post work consisted of electronic zoom and pan of the unmanned cameras, color matching and time synchonization followed by a multi-camera edit using quarter-D1 proxies. Final rendering was performed using the original high definition sources files to obtain a first-generation high-definition edit. The high definition edit was then filtered and transcoded to standard definition for DVD delivery using a multi-pass mpeg2 encoder. The DVD was mastered with menus, scene selection and rolling credits. The final package consisted of 50 duplicated DVDs with full-color printing on the disk surface and full-color artwork on the DVD box.

Piano Recital

The shoot was done with a one camera operator and two Canon HV30s. One camera was focused on the piano and the other followed the introduction of each student before their respective performances. Sound was recorded using a high-fidelity stereo condensor microphone mounted to the unmanned camcorder. Post work consisted of color matching and time synchonization followed by a multi-camera edit using full D1 resolution versions of the high-definition sources. The bitstream for the DVD rendered directly to a multi-pass mpeg2 encoder. The DVD was mastered with a main menu and simple scene selection menus. The final package consisted of duplicated DVDs in slimline CD boxes with full-color artwork.


This is an older shoot done with a single camera operator and three standard definition camcorders, two of them unmanned. One unmanned camera was placed behind the wedding party and the other in front on the right. The manned camera was operated from the left. Sound was recorded by the camera behind the wedding party using two studio-grade condensor microphones. A single camera was used for interviews and the reception afterwords. Post work consisted of a multi-camera edit and mastering a DVD with menus and scene selection. The final package consisted of 7 duplicated DVDs in slimline CD boxes with full-color artwork.

Karatee Tournament 1

This project included a single camera edit with multiple slow-motion replays. Smooth slow motion was obtained using a frame-rate doubling deinterlacer to obtain 60p footage which was then played back as 30p. The DVD was mastered with a single menu. The final package consisted of duplicated DVDs in slimline CD boxes with full-color artwork.

Karatee Tournament 2

No shooting was performed. Post work included full multi-camera edit of independently recorded footage shot from three cameras operated at the tournament. Slow motion replay was included. The DVD was mastered with a single menu. The final package consisted of duplicated DVDs in slimline CD boxes with full-color artwork.

Band Concert

Single camera shoot using HV30 with a separate stereo condensor microhpone for high-fidelity sound. No editing in post. Straight to DVD mastering with a single menu. The final package consisted of duplicated DVDs in slimline CD boxes with full-color artwork.

Last Updated: Thu May 12 23:34:07 PDT 2011